App-based strength and balance self-test in older adults: an exploratory study from a user perspective


Source: BMC Research Notes

Follow this link for the abstract

Date of publication: 26 September 2021

 Publication type: Journal article

In a nutshell: Falls are a common problem, especially in the older population. The number of older adults aged over 65 years is increasing globally, leading to a major challenge in providing effective fall prevention interventions to older adults requiring such interventions. This study aimed to explore the usability of an app-based strength and balance self-tests in a small sample of four older adults. This study is a side product of another project.

 Length of publication: 5 pages

Some important notes: Please contact your local NHS Library for the full text of the article. Follow this link to find your local NHS Library.

Web-based home-hazard modification app for falls prevention: the views of those at risk of falling and their carers


Source: Journal of  Enabling Technologies 

Follow this link for the full text

Date of publication: 15 July 2020

 Publication type: Journal article

In a nutshell: The purpose of the study is to assess the usability and acceptability of FallCheck, a Web app that allows users to complete home-hazard assessments within their own home, with a group of people at risk of falling and their carers.

 Length of publication: 16 pages

Some important notes: Please contact your local NHS Library for the full text of the article. Follow this link to find your local NHS Library.